Sunday, April 28, 2013

Chapter 1

[Chapter 1]

There will be a bunch of scenes at the start. Mainly the meeting with Sonya and Noel. But soon you will regain control of the group. Once you do, check the dorm computer for 3 requests.

Note: Shops are updated, new quartz available, and now you can upgrade your weapons at the shop in Downtown!

Request: Return Overdue Books [延滞本の回収]
Type: Normal
Reward: 1000 Mira
DP: 3

Head to the governmental district and into the library. Talk to the receptionist to obtain the request details. After that, go to west street and enter the apartments there. Go down the stairs and enter the first room and talk to the little girl. Panse will give you one of the books.
Now we gotta jump over to east street. Go into the Acacia apartments and then take the first door on the right. Talk to Clarice to get another book. Lastly, head to the police department and talk to Raymond by the vending machines for the last book. Take the books back to the receptionist and the request is complete.

Request: Food Collection [食材集めの依頼]
Type: Normal
Reward: 1500 Mira
DP: 3(+3)

First head over to the bakery in west street and talk to Oscar. After that, head up the stairs and talk to Bennett. You will ne [魔獣の魚肉]x4 and [魔獣の卵]x3 Where you can get them are:

East Crossbell Road:
>Egg Snake (Egg)
>Metal Saucer (Egg)
Ursula Passage:
>Backslash (Fish)
Mainz Mountain Road:
>Humming Gators (Egg)
>Rods (Fish)

You will just have to keep this request in mind while continuing with others. You get +2 extra DP if you give x2 egg monster meat to Bennett before completing the request.

Request: New Services of the Corporation [新サービスの運用協力]
Type: Normal
Reward: 1000
DP: 3

Head over to the IBC building (north of the waterfront area), and then talk to the receptionist. Then you need to exchange 30 of each sepith to complete the request. You can exchange your sepith for mira at a slightly higher rate then other places.
(Not related, but when you try to leave, if you haven't gotten this scene already, one of Tio's acquaintances will come down the elevator. Feel free to talk to him to trigger a scene. The scene is actually kinda funny.)

Once all done, head out of Crossbell going out the east street exit. You'll get a scene about missing the bus. Looks like we gotta hike it. Pretty much follow the road all the way to the village. When you come to the cross road, there will be a scene. Looks like there is still a ways to go (we really didn't go that far...), but Tio and Elie already seem tired. When asked though if they want to take a break, Elie says she's fine, really. Tio, while reluctant, is fine as well. Time to keep moving!. Just head north. After a bit of walking you'll get another scene. Yup, the two girls can hardly keep up, it's time to rest at the rest stop. You'll see the bus is now heading back to Crossbell. Well, not to worry because once the scene is over just keep going down the road and you'll be at the town.

Yay! We're at Armorica village. When you finish the cutscene, head over to the mayor's house. It'll be up on the hill in the back of the town. You'll get another cutscene. They mayor will start to ramble but Lloyd will set him back on track after showing him his badge.

When you are done with him, then head to the inn and talk to the guy behind the counter for a scene. Then go to the 2nd floor and talk to Harold. Head outside and talk to Kopan on the bridge. You'll get your fishing rod now! You can now fish at any finishing spot. This is a good way to get sepith if you have the right bait. If you check the sign on F1 of the Inn near the counter, you'll get an omelet recipe. Then at Rioru General Store, there is a furnishing for Lloyd.

Go around talking to everyone in the village. Then eventually after you leave a building you'll trigger a cutscene. If you want a free book, go to the general store and talk to the old man. When you are ready to leave, examine the bus sign at the entrance of the town. You'll get a cutscene, Tio will freak out a little because her sensors are picking up something weird. When she scans and picks up nothing, she starts to panic thinking the group thinks she's weird for being able to have these abilities. But Tio is Tio, and you know our accepting group thinks just fine of her.
Harold will appear, and asked if the group is waiting for the bus. It's still another 30 minutes out on wait time. So Harold agrees to let everyone hitch a ride in his car. Woo! That was really nice of him. When talking in the car on the way back, the group notes how much it costs to buy one of these things. Sadly, it's... an arm and a leg (Harold is loaded eh?). That's why Crossbell has the bus system now. It's free (though I'm going to assume Crossbell people pay for it through taxes harharhar), and accessible!
Now back at Crossbell, you will part ways with Harold, but now you can quick jump through Crossbell. Just by pressing the start button! Now we can do this chapter's hidden request:

Request: Finding the Cat's Owner [子猫の飼い主探し(隠し)]
Reward: 500 Mira
DP: 5

Head over to the apartments in west street. Down the stairs and enter the 2nd room. It'll be those two kids again. They have a cat, and need help finding the owner. Clearly, it's most logical to shove the cat in your bag... Lloyd...
Go to the residential district, head down the stairs and enter the first house. Go to the 2nd floor and you'll get a cutscene when talking to the girl and father. After that, try to head back to west street and you'll get another scene. Talk to Sanita near the north exit. Complete!

Just as a reminder, make sure you're updating your equips, opening new slots on your enigmas, and using your U-Material to upgrade your weapons. Also make sure you're checking in with the receptionist at the CSPD as you progress your monster book data.

When ready, head out south of Crossbell. Check the bus sign. Oh look! The bus will show up in 10 minutes! After Randy drills Lloyd for info about Cecil, you start to realize the bus is taking longer then 10 minutes... The line is getting longer. 30 minutes later, no bus still... Looks lke the bus is having some trouble, and it's time for Lloyd and friends to go find it and to make sure everyone is okay.
As you travel south, once you get to the 2nd area, near the south part there will be a boss fight.

Boss: Guardian x2
HP: 2807

Earth - 100
Water - 100
Fire - 190
Wind - 100
Resist: Poison, Freeze, Petrify, Sleep, Mute, Blind, Paralyze, Confuse, Daze, Curse, and Burn.

Well, it's kinda hard to hit the fire weakness since Randy isn't much of a mage. So a good idea is to slow these bad boys down. They hit like a truck, and the less you have to heal, the better! Use AT Delay skill Randy has to prevent them from striking. DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO PREVENT THEM FROM ATTACKING. They will summon adds, but just take them out with AoE while focusing on the main bosses.

Once they are out of the way, the group now has time to ponder why on earth were monsters THAT big out on the main road. Bus driver will come out and thank you for saving the bus. It looks like the trouble was with the engine (isn't that 90% of car issues?). The bus driver will start working on fixing the bus, but it looks like you don't have time to rest! There are THREE of them now! You hardly beat two of them, now three!? You can't run either because of the bus. Looks you'll have no choice but to--
Out of nowhere two Bracers jump over you and ready what looks like a combo S-craft! It's none other then Estelle and Joshua Bright! Everyone is shocked by that power, and how easily they took out 3 of them. Well... I guess if you remember Sora no Kiseki FC/SC/the 3rd, they should be around level 120+ (but they aren't anymore). After a good chat between the two, you'll pass off the care of the bus to Joshua and Estelle.
Talk to Estelle for an extra scene. Talk to Joshua for some text about Tita (basically how she would have a heyday with all of these orbal advancements). Talk to the bus driver if you want to rest. Now we need to hurry on to Ursula Hospital.
When heading south, there will be another scene. Looks like the crew is a little down. I mean, the Bracers currently have you beat in terms of power. Arios, and now Estelle and Joshua are there.  But, being the best wouldn't be any fun if there weren’t any rivals along the way. Lloyd suggests thinking of them as rivals (in a friendly way). Once that is over, continue south. In this area though, there are some Backlash fish that drop the food items you need for the baker's request. As long as you kill everything on the way to the hospital, you should have enough. After a long walk, you'll finally be at the hospital.

Once you walk through the gate, you'll trigger a scene. If you enter the restaurant, and talk to the girl behind the counter you can get some recipes. Enter the hospital, and talk to the receptionist. You will now get to meet Cecil Neues in person. After the scene, head back to the hospital, and you'll get another scene. In this scene, you will hear from the victim. When you leave the room, you'll get another scene.
Now we need to go investigate the scene. Let's get up to the roof. Go to the 3rd floor and follow the hall around until you're outside on the roof. Keep going until you trigger a scene. Now it's time to look for clues on how the victim even got attacked from on the roof.
>There are 5 points on the fence to check on the roof.
>Head to the 2nd floor, and outside where there is an examine point by the boxes.
When done, there are a few extra things we can do. Go to the Nurse Center, it's on the 2nd floor in the ward building. Talk to Philia for a scene. This will gain you bond points and will effect some things in chapter 3. After, go to the 3rd floor and enter room 304 for another scene. This little girl, her name is Shizuku. She is related to Arios (daughter).
After the scene, when you are ready to leave, check the bus sign. Now we're on our way back to Crossbell.

Start of the next day, there are 3 new requests. Make sure to finish the baker one if you have the items!

Request: Inspection Assistant Needed [臨検官補佐求ム]
Type: Normal
Reward: 2000 Mira
DP: 3(+2)

Head to station street, and then go into the train station. Up on the 2nd floor talk to the main on the left. Head down the stairs and enter line 2 on the right. In the next area, talk to the same guy again near the train. Talk to everyone on the train. Once done, speak with the child. Once done, speak with the young man (the loner) on the right. The scene will proceed automatically. Request done!

Request: Beast Hunt - Apartment [廃アパートの魔獣駆除要請]
Type: Normal
Reward: 2500
DP: 4
Note: Make sure for either Randy or Lloyd to be able to heal, or bring a lot of healing items.

First thing, head to the back street and into Imelda's shop. Speak with Imelda and she'll give you the key to her apartment. Head downtown, and right before you enter Ignis, head up the stairs (on the east side of downtown). Sign outside should point out it's Imelda's place. Use the key to open the door. The monsters won't respawn until chapter 3, but make sure to mop them all up. Though make sure to use Tio's analyze craft! Once done, there will be a scene. Try to leave and you'll run into Wald. It'll be just you and Randy now. So go after Wald. At the back hallway the dead end is now open. In this next area, there are two chests. One is a monster treasure chest. Before going into the next area, make sure you a ready.

Boss: Superior Mosquito (and x5 mosquito)
HP: 5957
Resist: Poison, Freeze, Petrify, Sleep, Mute, Blind, Paralyze, Confuse, Daze, Curse, and burn

Wald starts at half HP in this fight. He is a NPC and follows the same rules as any NPC in fights. 0 HP = game over. So whatever you do, make sure to keep him alive. Worse case, have him working on damage and just heal bomb him. The boss will summon adds for a little bit, but he'll stop after awhile. He also has an AoE breath attack that can poison. I hope you brought some items! You will blow through your EP pretty quick in this fight. Wald never missed when I fought this on nightmare mode, but it doesn't mean there isn't a chance he could. But I wouldn't worry about him countering himself to death. Though Wald is slow. Usually 2 of your turns = 1 of his. But his attacks should be around the same power as Randy's.

Once the fight is over, Wald will be his stubborn self and act like he had it (he didn't...) but this will end the request, done!

Request: Beast Hunt - Mainz Road [マインツ山道の手配魔獣]
Type: Normal
Reward: 2000 Mira
DP: 4

This one you can do on your way to the next story related stuff. I will point it out below on the way to Mainz.

Boss: Fall Eagle x2
HP: 2342

Should be easy if you have full CP. They can be paralyzed and burned, so take Randy and Lloyd's S-Craft into consideration. Be careful if they blind you, don't want to be counter attacked to death. After the fight return back to the bus stop area and continue NW towards Mainz.

When you are all ready (make sure to stock up on stuff, upgrade, unlock, etc. I should mention at the department store, on the 1st floor at the item shop there is a furnishing for Elie. After buying furnishings, go to their dorm room to place them. Head out the north exit (from the residential district) so you're going towards Mainz. You'll get a scene. Tio now can sense something. During her scan, you hear a howl. You are sure now something is in this direction. Could it be the thing that attacked the victim back at the hospital?
At the first fork go NW (you don't want to go to the church). In the next area, there will be a fishing point, but just continue to the next area if you're not interested. Next area, after walking a bit, you'll get a scene that shows the view of the mountains. Then you hear the howl again in the distance. Time to keep pressing forward and into the next area. Don't bother going up and over the bridge. The monster chest there is meant for lv35+. Keep going and you'll get another scene. At this fork, you'll want to go east for that monster hunt request, and for story stuff. So in the next area, as you go up the stairs, just check for the monster hunt. Then in the next area, you'll reach a house and get a scene. You will meet a young girl, and if you are familiar with the Kiseki series you already know who she is, Renne.
After the scene, head back down and to the bus stop and continue to Mainz. When entering the tunnel, you'll get a scene. Looks like you're closing in on the mystery target, as it howls again in the distance.
Once through the tunnel, you will find your target. However, Tio tells the group hold for a sec. Looks like Tio can understand him!
When prompted, answer [その両方]. After the scene keep following the path and then you'll be in Mainz! There will be a scene once you enter. After, it's probably best to rest at the inn if need be. Then head over to the mayor's house and examine the door (house is the circle one to the far east). After talking to all residents, return to the mayor's house and you'll get a scene when walking near. Two mafia members will walk out. After the scene is over, head into the mayor's house. This scene will keep progressing automatically. You'll learn about the mafia's involvement and why they are here.
Eventually you'll be staying the night at the inn, and holding your meeting. There will be several questions. Answer as such:
Q: [本来判明しているはずの情報とは?]
A: [魔獣の目的]

Q: [「犯人」に相当するのは?]
A: [?]

Q: [「目的」に相当するのは?]
A: [狼の身体能力]

Q: [「手段」に相当するのは?]
A: [黒い狼たち]

Q: [「結果」に相当するのは?]
A: [各地の被害]

Q: [証言者の名前は?]
A: [シズク・マクレイン]

Now, once the meeting is over it's time to prepare. Whenever you are ready, return to the table and examine it. However, there are a few things you should probably do (optional though). If you go up to the north area, you can enter the mines after talking to one of the workers. It's a decent place to level up, and some treasures in there as well. When you feel you are ready, examine the meeting table. I would recommend being lv17~18. I was lv18 before this, but I liked to grind a lot.

First fight, you'll be up against 3 Doben Kaisers. Save your CP!

Boss: Doben Kaiser x3
HP: 2802
Resist: Poison, Freeze, Petrify, Paralyze, Confuse, Daze, Curse, and Burn.

Save your CP, but use Randy's bomb craft. It's super effective for this fight! Then use any AT Delay you can and the fight is easy.

But no time to rest! Here comes the final fight for the chapter!

Boss: Doben Kaiser x3, Mafia Hatchet, Mafia Gunner
HP: (Same as above)/2070/1759
Resist: (Same as above)/None/None

Alright, remember to use Randy's bomb craft. Then unleash your S-Crafts! Well, make sure you have good timing. You'll want to keep your HP up. This fight should be easy if you saved CP from the previous fight.

After the fight, the mafia will open up the truck, and out comes 6 more doben kaisers... 10 total!? Think you're ready to handle them all? Well don't worry, you're not alone! The wolf has come to your rescue. With a single howl, the doben kaisers drop to the ground in fear. As you round up the mafia and their dogs, it looks like you were being watched. Not by the wolf, but Renne, and it looks like Arios is here as well. Arios knows who Renne is, and if you've played Sora no Kiseki SC (as stated before), you know very well who she is as well. Ouroboros Enforcer No.15.
At dawn, the CGF will have arrived to help escort the mafia criminals. After a chat with Sonya and Noel, the crew will finally be back in Crossbell. Tired after their long night up, they get back to the dorms. Sergei however, meets them at the door. Looks like someone beat you home. His name is Zeit! While he won't fight in your party, Tio can summon him to battle for an AT delay attack. And with that, this concludes chapter 1!

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