Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chapter 2

 First off, I'd like to say sorry it's taking so long to post chapter 2! For those who waited for this, I'm really really sorry it took me so long. Also, to speed up the process, I will be mainly focusing on how to progress the story and the basic side quests. I will be skipping hidden quests and Evolution quests. Also I will stick mainly to what to do and where to go. So there is less translation on storyline stuff. I am not fluent on japanese, so there may be mistakes, and I'm sorry. But, the guide is mainly to help get you from start to end of the game. So, without further ado, here is chapter 2!

[Chapter 2]

Like the start of every chapter, there will be quite a few scenes. When everyone is eating at the table, it seems like the bracers are still being well praised over the SSS even after what you did the other night. Well, one big catch isn't going to win over Crossbell, so it's time to get to work! Once over, check the computer for 4 total requests (5 if playing Evolution)! Shops are updated, and everything. So get to upgrading and what not. Then it's time for our requests. Also, now you can upgrade slots! Some quartz requires lv2 slots.

Request: Enigma Testing [エニグマの実践テスト]
Type: Normal
Reward: 1500 Mira
DP: 4

First, head over to Genten and talk to Wendy. After the scene, in order to complete this request you need to use the art "Hallow Sphere" 「ホロウスフィア」. You can check what elemental line setup you'll need in order to learn it by checking your CSPD handbook. After you use it in battle, return to Wendy and report in.

Request: Participate in Guard Training [警備隊演習への参加要請]
Type: Normal
Reward: 3000 Mira
DP: 4(+3)

Head out the east exit of Crossbell. You can take the bus right to Tangram Gate. It's the 2nd option on the bus list. Speak with Sonya on the 2nd floor of the gate, and agree to take part in the training. You'll be moved to outside, and take part in a fight with some of CGF members. First fight is 4v4.

Boss: Guard Recruit - Halberd x 3, Guard Recruit - Assault Rifle
HP: 1836/1496
Resist: None

Crash bomb and they pretty much can't hit you. This part is easy.

[Part 2]

Now Noel will join into the chaos!

Boss: Guard Recruit - Halberd x3, Guard Recruit - Assault Rifle, Noel
HP: (same)/(same)/2181
Resist: None/None/Poison, Freeze, Petrify, Sleep, Mute, Blind, Paralyze, Confuse, Daze, Curse, and Burn.

Crash bomb, but now the trick will be to take down Noel. She will resist being blinded, so you'll have to try to take her out fast. She can inflict MOV down, as well as AoE sleep. However, should you manage to take her out while blinding everyone else, it'll be just as easy as the first fight!

Note: You can lose and not get a game over, however, you will not get full DP reward.

Request: Beast Hunt - West Crossbell Road [西クロスベル街道の手配魔獣]
Type: Normal
Reward: 2000 Mira
DP: 4

Exit from west street outside of Crossbell. The bus is not available, so we'll have to walk this one. Pretty much just keep following the road and it will be in the 4th area. You can't miss it, since it will be right in the middle of the road.

Boss: Nepentes G x3
HP: 2647
Earth - 75
Water - 100
Fire - 180
Wind - 120
Resist: Poison, Sleep, Blind, Confuse, and Daze

These things are a pain. If you hit them, on the next turn they will counter with a powerful AoE earthquake. Try to paralyze them so they can't do that! The best way I finished this fight was use Randy's Power Smash, Tio healed but kept Fortuna (ATS/ADF+ buff) up on Elie who spammed Spark Dyne. I could easily do 800~1.1k. I also had the ATS accessory from Imelda's shop.
Once you are done, the bus services are now resumed on this road.

Request: Beast Hunt - Private Land on Old Road [古道私有地の魔獣退治]
Type: Urgent
Reward: 2500 Mira
DP: 5

Gotta head over to Armorica and talk to the mayor. He'll be in his house. He'll mention he needs some monsters taken care of on some of his land. If you remember seeing an area on the old road that you couldn't get to before, he's handing you the key for that area now.
Head outside the village and then head back a few areas (past the blocked off bridge). Now is a good time to build CP if you are not capped off at 200 on the weaker monsters. Head past the rest stop and in the next area on the eastern side you will find a gate, you can unlock that gate now. You'll need to kill off ALL the monsters on the other side of this gate. Do your best to start with max advantage.
Each of the fights will have them in big groups. These fights are a good time to summon Zeit, and use Randy's bomb craft to keep them from hitting you. Unless you resist, they will stun you on attack. If you taught Elie サンダーシクリオン this is a good time to use it. It really helps! Or if saving EP, use Spark Dyne. Even though they are weak to fire, if you have Elie on a mage setup she will have these arts.

There are x5 sets of battles to beat of these guys.

Boss: ファードクース (Qus) x8
HP: 1683
Earth - 100
Water - 100
Fire - 180
Wind - 100
Resist: None

You will get a scene once you killed all the groups of those skunk things. When you leave the gate it will ask if you want to be teleported back to the village (say yes unless you didn't grab the two treasure chests in the area).

Once you return to Crossbell, you will receive a phone call from Fran. After the conversation is over, head back to your dorm to get another scene. A purple haired girl seems to be troubled and apologizes for entering the dorm. After Lloyd welcomes her, she introduces herself as Rixia Mao. If you don't recognize her, she is one of the dance stars of Crossbell. Ilia is her dance partner.
Randy wastes no time explaining who she is, in his fandom sort of way.. Tio kindly asks him to behave. It seems there has been some blackmailing letters coming to Arc-en-ciel. While it might just be some prank, Rixia is looking for Lloyd and crew to help her out on tracking down who is sending them, and if they are actually going to do anything that could harm their show.
Request: Investigation of the Blackmail Letters [脅迫状の調査]
Type: Urgent
Reward: ----
DP: 8 (+6)

Head to Arc-en-Ciel and get a cutscene as you reach the front door. Lloyd remembers when he was little his brother and Cecil used to take him here. Once you enter, you'll get another scene. After you are done, head into the main auditorium. Now you get to meet the other dancer in person, Ilia! After some introductions, Ilia feels like she knows Lloyd from somewhere before... At least the name rings a bell. Ilia knows Cecil and whatnot, and it was 10 years ago and whatnot.
After Ilia changes, she'll hand over the letter that they got. After reading over the letter, the question now is "who is the real sender?" since they are going by the sender name "Yin". Once done with the scenes, head outside. Head into the back alley and head to Revache & Co for a cutscene. You will now meet Garcia. After the group leaves and regroups outside, eventually you will be asked the question:

[ガルシアが気づいた何かとは?] (What did Garcia notice?)
you'll want to answer
[差出人の名前] (The name of the sender)

After the scene is done, head to the Grimwood Law Office. You'll get a scene there talking with Ian. The group has already investigated Revache & Co, but talking with Ian, it's mentioned that Heiyue Trade Company could also be a factor.
Head to the Waterfront area, and check Heiyue Trade Company's door for a scene. It's locked, so go ahead and knock. You'll hear someone walk down to get the door. Head up to the top floor and into the office. Cao will introduce himself. Looks like he already knows who the gang is. After investigating Cao, the gang will leave, and regroup outside. After some talky, Dudley will show up and ask you to follow him. After the scene is over, it's back to Arc-en-Ciel. You'll get a scene outside and meet Earnest, and also Henry MacDowell. After the scene head inside and all the way to the auditorium. Once the scene is done you'll be outside. You can't use the quick jump menu, so head through the back alleyway and back to your dorm. At the front door you'll get a scene. Once that's done it should be night time. When you get control of Lloyd, head up to the roof. You'll get a scene with Elie. Pretty much you'll find out a lot more about her past, and the "barrier/wall" of the wicked Crossbell (you know, since the battle theme -is- called "Get over the Barrier" harharhar). Even though she is getting discouraged, Lloyd ends up lifting her spirits. At the end of the scene you'll get Lloyd's and Elie's dual craft "Star Blast". It requires both to have 100 CP to use. These types of crafts are pretty powerful, and if used right, easily does a lot of damage.

Once it's the next day and the meeting is over, check the computer, as there are some new requests.

Request: Wanted Ingredients for Seafood Dish [魚料理の食材求む]
Type: Normal
Reward: 1500 Mira (And recipe for 「猛虎炒飯」 + ティアラの薬 or ティアの薬)
DP: 3 (+5)

Head to East Street and into the Inn. Talk to Sensen (the waiter) to trigger the scene. Depending on what you turn it it will effect your reward.

Request: Testament Training Practice (テスタメンツの稽古依頼)
Type: Normal
Reward: 2000 Mira
DP: 4 (+5)

Head to Trinity, and talk to Abbas. You'll be asked to have a simple match with some of the members. There is only 4 in this battle. It's pretty easy so I won't cover the stats.
Next fight will be 4 members of the other gang.
Finally, now you fight all 8 of them! Note, if you want the trophy for filling the monster book, make sure to scan them!
After you beat them the request is considered done.

Request: Short on Recovery Herbs [稀少薬草の回収]
Type: Normal
Reward: 1500
DP: 3

Head south of Crossbell and make your way to St. Ursula (you can take the bus). On the first floor, just head past the desk to the elevator hall, and take a left. The doctor should be in this room. Go back to Crossbell and then head to the cathedral and talk to the priest. After that, head into the north room and talk to Renton. Once done, go back to St. Ursula and speak with the doctor. This concludes the request.

After you are done with the requests, head to IBC for a cutscene. Head inside and talk to the receptionist to get another cutscene. You'll get a keycard for the elevator. Enter the elevator to head up floor 16. Once you regain control, head to the room in the north. You'll meet Dieter and Mariabell. Once the scene is over, head back to the elevator for more cutscene goodness. Heading down, you'll soon find yourself at the main computer of IBC to investigate the hacking. It's confirmed that the mail system was cracked and hacked. But who, and where? Tio decides to give it a go. Sure enough, the hacking came from Geo Front B. Leave IBC to get another scene.
Now, head out of IBC and go to city hall and talk to the receptionist to get the key for Geo Front B. Once you got the key, go to the residential area, head down the stairs and you should see the door to get into Geo Front B. This place is pretty straight forward.

Once you reach the 2nd floor, at the next healing point there will be a boss battle.

Boss: トルゾーDX, トルゾーB x4
Earth - 150
Water - 200
Fire - 150
Wind - 150
Resist: Poison, Sleep, Mute, Blind, Paralyze, Confuse, Stun, Curse

This fight is pretty easy if you get lucky and they damage themselves. If not, gotta be on your toes with healing. They'll be knocking you around all over the place. But, I found if you have some of the higher tier arts, you can easily 1-shot the lesser robots. Boss goes down fast as well. Also be careful when they die, they self-destruct.

After you beat them, in the next room you will come apon your hacker. Jona... Yup, just a kid lol. When the cutscene is done, head out of the room and into the vents. It will spit you back out at the entrance. Head outside for another cutscene. Before doing our next task, now would be a good time to stock up on items, or upgrade weapons/orbment stuff.

Head out south like you are going to the hospital, and grab the bus, but only go to the first stop. Then head north. If you check the main map, we are heading to the tower. You'll get a cutscene when you get close to the road. Follow that path straight to the tower, and you'll meet Noel outside. We are now at The Tower of Stargaze. Looks like someone broke through the barricade that was put up to keep people out (because the tower is dangerous). After the conversation, Noel will join your party. You can only have 4 people in battle at one time, but the other person will be support. Support will jump in every now and then and do an attack/support skill. Noel is pretty, but honestly if you have your whole crew up to date on gear/orbment, she might be better left as support. But that is up to you.
You can use her vehicle to heal up. So now work your way up the tower. When you enter, there will be a mini-boss fight.

Boss: Living Armor x2
HP: 2608
Earth - 80
Water - 80
Fire - 80
Wind - 80
Time - 180
Space - 100
Mirage - 100
Resist: Poison, Sleep, Blind, Paralyze, Stun, Burn

They aren't hard if you stick to the same AT Delay/buffing tactic. Even though they slightly resist the basic elements, you can still do decent damage with them if you don't have any of the advance elemental arts.

After the fight is over, it is confirmed that the Time, Space, and Mirage elements are indeed stronger in this area. In battle, you will get a bonus for using those elements. Also as you climb the tower, note this is a good place to farm U-Material. I would suggest doing so and upgrading before you get to the top.

When you get to the top, there will be a boss fight against "Yin".

Boss: Yin
HP: 8259
All - 100
Resist: Poison, Freeze, Petrify, Sleep, Mute, Blind, Paralyze, Confuse, Stun, Curse, Burn, AT Delay.

Yin will summon copies of itself. They will have less HP, but can still pose a threat. If you can focus on AoE and hit both, that's good. If not, focus on the main Yin. When Yin dies, the copies fade away. Carefull, as Yin can sometime 1HKO your people. Yin also has a S-Craft. Aqua Mirage is a helpful buff to keep up on those who are being targeted by Yin, so you can avoid those attacks (and avoid being 1HKO'd!).

After the fight there will be a scene. You'll be prompted with the question:
Answer with:


Answer with:

After they chase after Yin, you'll be teleported back to Crossbell, and split up from Noel. Scenes will automatically progress.

When you gain control of Lloyd and Elie, first check the main door. Then go left and check the 2nd floor door (with Dudley). Then head up to the 3rd floor and check on the VIP room. Also, make sure you talk to Balsamo, Roland at reception, and in the waiting room Karelia. When that is done, and you return to the main lobby, the act will proceed.

After the next act, you regain control over Elie and Lloyd, do the same thing again to progress to the next act. And same thing for act 3.

During Act 4, go through the door on the right. And with that, enjoy the long cutscene bringing chapter 2 to a close!

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